Guess who's back?
After letting lapse, I lost all - well not that many - blog posts I had done about Raegan. The older she gets, the less I have blogged. But I feel a renewed energy to blogging so I plan to post here more often.
This blog started really as a way for friends/family to see her who didn't live near us. Now with Facebook, I do some updates there and post some pictures but believe that a blog is a nice way to journal what we do.
My baby is already 4 and a half! Because of her birthday, she won't be able to start school this fall but I plan to do some 'pre-school homeschooling' like teaching her to write and read. It should be fun as she is so ready to do both.
She has changed so much lately. Now when we go to town, she can open and close her door. It's like taking a little girl shopping instead of a toddler. Starting up this blog again will also force me to sort through all those hundreds of pictures. I so want to get into scrapbooking and maybe having it on the blog will help me lay it out, too.